Yoga ULURU(ヨガ ウルル)では、インドに古くから伝わる伝統的なヨガをお伝えしています。


自分自身を開放し、本質的な 「ありのままの自分」と出会う、そんなヨガです。


Our Yoga is based on Traditional Tantra Yoga, we practice yoga as moving meditation.

We close our eyes and practice the asanas slowly and deeply, we allow ourselves to have a real experience of life though Yoga by dropping all ideas, thoughts, competitions, consciousness and ideals.

As you keep practicing Yoga, you will feel yourself deeply relaxed and build a foundation for total freedom.

Just let everything go, and relax to sence your true self.

Yoga ULURU ヨガウルルで究極のリラックスを

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